biss akc & ukc champion ragtyme beautiful soul rn rom
July 16, 2006 - November 11, 2021

best puppy in sweeps at 6 months old in her first ring appearance
best of breed over specials from the classes and a group two
multiple best of opposite wins from the classes over specials
multiple group placements
#11 all breed standings 2009 breeder owner handled
#1 award of merit and select bitch 2010 BCCA national specialty
best in show national capital bearded collie club 2011
best of opposite sex 2012 BCCA national specialty
best in show nbccps 2015
earned her rally novice title in three consecutive trials with first and second place ribbons
register of merit earned from her first litter
mbis mbiss can am champion potterdale double image romx
mbis mbiss can am champion classical image of a legend romx
mbis mbiss can am champion classical american woman rom
mbis mbiss am can int champion ragtyme mister cool ht romx
bis mbiss am can champion windfiddler's still cruisin' romx
champion ragtyme cool cruisin' claire
am can champion tamevalley miami lightning rom
mbiss akc & ukc champion ragtyme beautiful soul rn rom
born july 16, 2006, OFA BC-3725G24F, OFA BC-EL388F24, CERF BC-1395 (67mo), OFA BC-CA20/33F/C-VPI, OFA BC-TH273/63F-VPI
nord int champion binbusy quotation
int ch heather mist everybody's business
int champion clic's hip hip hurray
memorylane don't tell a soul
french int champion snowmead salutation
multi champion samantha de chester
int champion must de chester
mbis mbiss can am champion classical image of a legend romx
mbis mbiss can am champion classical american woman rom
mbis mbiss am can int champion ragtyme mister cool ht romx
bis mbiss am can champion windfiddler's still cruisin' romx
champion ragtyme cool cruisin' claire
am can champion tamevalley miami lightning rom
mbiss akc & ukc champion ragtyme beautiful soul rn rom
born july 16, 2006, OFA BC-3725G24F, OFA BC-EL388F24, CERF BC-1395 (67mo), OFA BC-CA20/33F/C-VPI, OFA BC-TH273/63F-VPI
nord int champion binbusy quotation
int ch heather mist everybody's business
int champion clic's hip hip hurray
memorylane don't tell a soul
french int champion snowmead salutation
multi champion samantha de chester
int champion must de chester
October 2015 Best In Specialty Show from the Veteran Bitch class breeder judge Mr. Ian Copus, Rallentando "As Caesar said, 'VENI, VIDI, VICI' - I came, I saw, I conquered. She is certainly a beautiful Beardie. I have admired this girl for many years and the wait to go over her was not disappointing; she has it all. Exquisite outline, both standing and on the move, head and expression to die for, beautifully arched neck, excellent shoulders and rear angulation, lovely ribcage and loin, with a quality coat that was presented to perfection. On the move, she simply floats round the ring with long, reaching strides. Thank you for entering her - the pleasure was all mine. I had great delight and little hesitation in awarding her Best Of Breed." - Ian Copus And with that honor and critique we made the decision on the spot to retire Vivianne from the conformation showring. She had an illustrious career and deserves to go out on top! What better way than with a Specialty win under a breeder judge we admire and respect? |
Vivianne Nov 2015 at 9.5 years young